Loyalty program
Your advantages
Welcome Points
By uploading Soha Fedeltapp, you'll automatically receive 200 welcome points in your account.
By registering with Soha Fedeltapp you will be aware of our new launches ahead of everyone else.
Exclusive Offers
Fedeltapp members will have access to exclusive monthly promotions thanks to coupons that you will be able to redeem in the pharmacies or on our website.
Personalised advice
On Fedeltapp, you will have the possibility to have a free consultation with our beauty expert who will be able to recommend the beauty routine most adapted to your skin needs. This service is initally available in Italy and will be rolled-out in the English language in 2021.
How does it work?
1 Buy a Soha product in one of our pharmacies or on our website.
2. Take a photo of your receipt and upload it directly into our app
3. After verification by our backoffice, your points will be credited into your account and accumulate.
How to obtain my free gift?
1 When you have accumulated enough points, choose your prefered gift directly in the app -gift boutique section
2.Generate your coupon in the app to get your free gift, then send a screenshot of the coupon to marketing@sohasardinia.com with your address and delivery details
3. Wait for the arrival of your gift! Note: Points accumulated on our website www.sohasardinia.com can instead be deducted from your next purchase